Jeff Glasbrenner’s motivational public speaking inspires people all over the world. His opportunity in life came at eight years old, on the day he was involved in a traumatic farming accident that left him a below-the-knee amputee. Most would call this a tragedy, but he considers this his greatest opportunity, which he chose to embrace by continually excelling at wheelchair basketball, triathlons, and by being a husband and father to two children.

He has traveled to dozens of different countries, has met amazing people, and has risen to a world-class level in sports. In wheelchair basketball, he holds a National Championship scoring record of sixty-three points and twenty-seven rebounds in one game, and played in Europe professionally for three years. The author is a three-time Paralympian and a two-time World Champion (Gold Medal). He has completed 25 Ironman distance triathlons, and has won numerous races in his division.

Let Jeff inspire you today!